
Everything from blogs and adoption stories, to adoption support and news, we aim to keep you in the loop.

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Learn about Emma's story

adoption process and support

Adoption Process and Post-Adoption Support: What to Expect

Starting your adoption journey is a big decision, filled with anticipation, hope, and a desire to provide a loving home for a child. At Adopt Birmingham, we understand the importance of guiding prospective adoptive parents through every step of the process, from initial enquiries to post-adoption support.

adoptive mother with teenager

Why You Should Consider Adopting an Older Child

When most people think about adoption, they often picture bringing home a tiny baby. However, there are many wonderful reasons to consider adopting an older child, particularly those over the age of three. Embarking on your adoption journey opens doors to profound experiences, and considering older children as potential additions to your family can further enrich this journey.

Dual heritage family of two, mother and her daughter, hugging each other with a lot of love.

Amelia’s Story

“It was slightly daunting at times going through the process on my own!"

Dad helps young son learn to ride bike while mum and younger brother watch in the background.

Sam and Faith’s Story

“The most beautiful thing to witness has been the bond between them. Adopting them together was definitely the right decision."