Early Permanence – your questions answered
Find out more about Early Permanence with the experienced and knowledgeable team from Adopt Birmingham. If you’re considering adoption, then Early Permanence could be a viable route for you.
What is Early Permanence?
Early Permanence, is the process through which a baby or young child who cannot be cared for by his or her parents or extended family is put in foster care at the earliest opportunity with potential adopters who have already been authorised. During this time, potential adopters are foster carers while the court considers what is in the child’s best interest in the long term and if adoption is right for them. However, work must still be completed with the child’s biological parents and extended relatives before the courts may make a judgement on whether an adoption plan will be implemented.
How does it work?
Each circumstance is evaluated on an individual basis, with the child’s best interests taking precedence over all else. So, when considering if Early Permanence is the best options for you, keep in mind that until the courts make a decision on the child’s future, they will remain a foster child, which means you will need to be prepared that the child may return to their birth parents or extended family.
What are the benefits of Early Permanence Adoption?
Early Permanence offers a child stability whilst decisions are made about their future. Children benefit enormously from the opportunity to stay with one family (fostered) who may go on to adopt them as there is less disruption in their early years and bonding starts much earlier with the people who may eventually adopt them.
Foster carers, who go on to adopt a child, will also understand the child’s identity by learning about their heritage, background, as well as the circumstances that led to them being placed in care.
Is Early permanence only for babies?
Historically, Early Permanence was for very young babies, often newborn straight from hospital. However, over the last 2 years, Early Permanence is being considered for all ages of children including brothers and sisters.
What support would I receive to adopt?
We will work with you to make sure an Early Permanence placement is right for you. You will undertake specialist training, meet adopters who grew their family through Early Permanence, and be supported by our highly experienced staff every step of the way.
What if I am considering Early Permanence?
If you are considering becoming an Early Permanence carer, you will need to be emotionally resilient and be able to put the needs of vulnerable children at the heart of your family. If you want to know more about Early Permanence placements and how it could be a route to adoption for you, then don’t hesitate to contact our team. We can guide you through the adoption process and tell you everything you need to know before you apply.