Post Approval Training
We provide a variety of training and workshops designed to ensure that our adopters have the best help and information.
Adopt Birmingham works with a number of experienced adoptive parents who co-facilitate the majority of the training. The stories they share bring to life the reality of what it means to parent through adoption, such as managing contact with first families/significant others, navigating the school system, connecting with your children during times of stress and ways to talk to your children about their adoption story.
Preparation Training
As a first-time prospective adopter, you will join a preparation group to help you consider how adopting a child or sibling group will change your family.
The Preparation Training will help you to:
- Understand the backgrounds of children who need adoptive families
- Understand how early childhood experiences can impact adopted children
- Identify how your existing skills and experience will help you parent an adopted child
- Identify skills to develop
- Give you the opportunity to meet other people who are also on their adoption journey
- Introduce you to the parenting models to help children recover from trauma
The training consists of three full day sessions delivered by an adoption social worker and an approved adoptive parent. The sessions take place on a monthly basis over either three consecutive Fridays or three consecutive Mondays. You will also complete eLearning modules over the three weeks.
Siblings Created through Adoption
This workshop is specifically targeted at prospective adopters who have birth children or second time adopters.
This workshop explores:
- Transferrable skills and experiences
- Additional elements to consider when parenting through adoption
- Expectations of your existing children and preparing for adjustment challenges
- Resources to assist the preparation and understanding of your existing children
- The importance of your support network
- Support available
Siblings Created through Adoption is a 2.5 hour online workshop, which is co-delivered by an adoption social worker and an adoptive parent.